Mich hat heute folgende Verlustmeldung von Simone von Rahden erreicht. Sollten Sie Kenntnis vom Verbleib der Bratsche oder der Bögen bekommen, melden Sie sich bei mir oder bei Frau von Rahden.
Dear friends and colleagues,
I’m sending this message out to small portions of people – being aware that some if you are logistically quite far from the drama but you might know somebody who can help me…
Yesterday evening, my viola case was taken from a train in Italy. After spending some hours on the bureaucratic issues, I’m now asking for your help in spreading this email and hopefully finding back my precious viola and two bows.
Date, time and place of the theft:
27.08.2021, between Milano Centrale and Firenze S.M.N. station, 19:00 – 21:10, on the Frecciarossa 9559, coach 4.
Content of the case:
– viola made by Stephan von Baehr in 2005, 41.5 cm, tailpiece and pegs of rosewood. Currently, there is one fine tuner for the a-string on the tailpiece, a chinrest of black wood on the viola, a piece of dark leather fixed to the back and the strings are Evah Pirazzi Gold.
– bow made by Nicolas Maline around 1850,
round stick of amourette wood, the frog and button are mounted in ebony/nickle. The thumb leather has recently been scraped off, which is quite noticeable as it’s uncommon anf not exactly pretty. The mother or pearl on the bottom is slightly damaged.
– bow made by James Tubbs, branded W.E.Hill on both sides from around 1870, round pernambuco stick, silver mounted with a fishbone (imitation) winding.
The shaped case with a floral design (all in black) is by BAM and is covered with a black soft-cover with shoulder straps. There are two black-and-white stickers on it: one from the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and one that says „Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler“.
Furthermore, the case also contained my Microsoft „Surface Go“ laptop (blue/silver) in an envelope with my name (pre- and post-marriage) and contact details written on it.
I’m attaching some pictures with details of the viola and the Maline bow. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of the Tubbs bow available to me at the moment.
If you come across any of these items, I would be hugely thankful if you contacted me immediately (lajandl[at] gmail.com).
Also, do please share this message with your friends and colleagues, and all luthiers/bowmakers or dealers you know, especially in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France… and if you have an ebay account in one of those countries, it would be great if you could help me have a look at the newest offers.
I’m deeply saddened by the loss of my beloved viola and two favourite bows and also humbled by the experience and wish you all that nothing like this will ever happen to you.
I’m still hoping to find a trace of the missing items – with your help (in addition to the Police), I might one day be reunited with them.
Thank you so much.
Simone (von Rahden)